Ever have those times in your life when you are at a crossroad? Well that is kind of where I am at. I won't go into the details but a lovely lady by the name of Kathy came to my aid. See Kathy does soul card readings. What is this you ask? Well Kathy has hand painted these lovely spiritual cards herself the name of her Etsy shop is luludesign.
She begins by meditating, grounding, clearing and chakra balancing with the help of her pink, quartz, crystal ball and her jet black ball. She requests from Spirit an open heart and a clear channel to provide you with information that is only for the deepest, highest, and most profound good of your soul.
*Lefty Oracle Deck - 50 cards
* Goddess Deck - 32 cards
* Fairy Herbal Healing Deck - 80 cards
I won't put all of the information regarding my soul card reading from Kathy but here is a little bit of the reading.
The first card I pulled for you, in regards to your question is from my Lefty Oracle Deck and it is called “The Liar at the Crossroads”

- Your energy feels all over the place, swinging from patience to impatience
- I see 3 lads with black hair
- You have very clear and strong energy, you also have the ability to take charge
- You can also be quiet and keep to yourself, as well
A Goddess is required and I pulled this card from my Goddess Zodiac Deck - “The Capricorn Goddess – Kuan Yin”

Mercy, compassion, grace
China’s beloved Goddess chose this place
To stay and guide enlightened mind
Call her name and peace you’ll find.
- You need to play, to enjoy yourself
- Ask yourself this question, “when am I the happiest?” – and not just a snippet of happiness grabbed now and then - I’m talking about JOY – you need this in your relationship – listen to your heart
If you would like your very own soul reading then please click on the links or the email button to contact Kathy to discuss further.
You can contact Kathy via her Etsy shop luludesign or via email on kathy@luludesign.com
Hi Jenni and thanks for posting an article about your Soul Reading - I love hearing about things from my client's perspective - great insights all round!
Kathy Crabbe
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