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Friday, 2 January 2009

Front page on Etsy

First off Happy New Year everyone.. Secondly I woke up this morning and thought oh wow look at all these extra views I had on my things and all the new hearts. So then I go searching for what could it be and I go to the flickr front page screen shots and there it is my sterling silver ring. So many thanks to Natalie from the DUST team for including my sterling silver ring.

Now this is a great way to start 2009!


Be Jeweled By Candi said...

congratulations! The ring is beautiful. Your shop is awesome, so many fantastic pieces.

Maren said...

That's so exciting! Congrats - I hope you get lots of sales from it. :)

Chrisy said...

And (said modestly with slight bowing of the head) didn't we all look fabulous up there where we belong!

KayzKreationz said...

That is so great. Congratulations. I got home last night to find out I was in someone's T-West. It is always exciting, isn't it?

lyptis said...

Hey Jen! That was a great front page! Natalia always does such a good job at making treasuries!

I acctually sold my grey dress, which was included in there, so success all around!!:D

Sarah said...

Congratulations, what an exciting start to the year!

Rock and Fossil Depot said...

Your shop is wonderful and congrats on the ring!

purplecat said...

congrats! you do lovely work!

Jenni said...

Thanks everyone!!! I love reading all the comments and I truly appreciate you all taking the time to type something to me... Hugz.


Almay Alday said...

Congrats!! That's awesome!