So when you decide to go for a drive and you see signs saying "Rodeo" this Friday night and you have never been to one what do you do? You go of course! LOL. So it was set - Friday night. Freezing cold at the Beaudesert Showgrounds I pack up the kids and the hubby and set off! Cold, well yes that would be an understatement but fun.. You bet ya! - I have never seen a Rodeo clown jump a fence as quick as when a very angry bull comes charging for you and not the other rodeo clown.
Had an awesome time and the kids had a ball. There is another one on the 27th June at Canungra so we are going to pack the kids up and go and yell and scream for all the cowboys! oh and cowgirls of course. LOL.. Now talking about cowboys, where's my drink!?
Hahahaha We went to the beach with some friends and on the way home spotted "Rodeo". That was it, great night and still a 2 hour drive home after. Fun though.
It was a great night... We are going to the Canungra Rodeo on Saturday this one starts at 3.00pm I think it was so it shouldn't be too bad.. Going to take the kids again so they will probably be able to see a bit more.
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